I wasen't feeling very good so I called Dr. feelgood and he advised me to go fishing instead of going to work.:thumbup: Met Happy Hours and hit the water about 6:30. Happy Hours blindfolded me and we motored over to his "top secret honey hole", right off the bat on every drift we would have short hits or catch one. I wish Gulp Alive had a little bit more robust tail, switched over to a storm and that solved that problem but also not as many hits either, still caught fish but I think the Gulps produced a few more hits. Happy Hours rigged up a homemade "top secret" double speck rig with a small trailer opps...doh they seemed to like the small trailer. All too small with a few worth measuring but 1/2 inch too short. As the tide stopped so did the action so we went exploring a few places and getting a game plan for next trip, all in all a great day. Tide was still going out when we first got there but tide table said it should have been high tide so I'm not sure what thats all about.